Tuesday, April 28, 2009

....and one for pleasure

It was THE most perfect setting, college being closed on account of some communal unrest (our beloved coastal town never seems to have enough) we were free from those bonds of academia which hold us tight to the dreary, dreadful monotonous routine of “college and back” and regardless of the gloomy cause that led up to this unexpected moment of leisure, I nevertheless approached it with great passion.

Sadly, perfection is a fickle dame.

No sooner had I completed my breakfast, the harbinger of all things bad (my cell phone) rang out shrilly, the cacophony of it sounding the curtain to my prospective fun-filled two days. It was the reminder I had set almost a week ago, I had an assignment due next day.

As luck would have it, I was totally clueless about the assignment, after thorough investigation and a dozen phone calls I finally managed to get an idea of what we were expected to present. Now as with all things good and right, knowing what to do is no assurance of actually doing it. After spending an unfruitful hour trying to get my thoughts off the green apple vodka I had been planning to have at my favorite pub, I thought perhaps a little bit of light music might help set the mood to sit and write, was I ever so damned as on the moment I hit the play button on my player, it’s one thing trying to study with music on but an all-together disaster when you have been blessed with hands, that out of their own will try to imitate the rhythm.
After an hour and two albums, I finally found the good sense (sure is rare nowadays) to switch off the music and once again tried get my mind into the job to be done. My senses were not cooperating, any sound within the vicinity was magnified and altered by my ears and read to my brain as sounds of fun and frolic.

Perhaps I could come up with something good to write if I munched on something, I proceeded to carry my study material into the kitchen. Ripping open a bag of chips and getting a chilled soda, I once again confronted the assignment.
Other than getting oil stains on it, I made no significant contribution towards the sheets of paper. Muttering a string of colourful obscenities under my breath I made my way out of the kitchen and after a lot of deliberation, I came upon the terrace as the ideal place to break this jinx, well if it was or not, I never found out,for just as I touched the tip of the pen to the paper, the skies opened up and it started raining.

I could hear the cackled laughter of the gods in the thunder.

To add to my misery, my friend called up and informed me rather smugly, that he was done with his assignment and was headed out for a stiff drink, he especially emphasized the bliss of having scotch on a rainy day such as this, hinting that I would perhaps have to console myself with a cup of coffee.

Four hours had passed by and all I had written and not scratched out was my name (I had messed up the date too). I finally conceded defeat shut the books.

The firing and public disgrace I faced for not submitting the assignment will be forgotten in time, I for one was happy, I had got my vodka ;)